Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Guess what?

I'm happy but I still think about camp.

I bet I'm going to think of what GGs are doing while I'm at my hometown,
at the graveyard,
at lunch,
while I'm bathing and
before I sleep.

I'm serious.
I'm getting annoying.
I like my latest post in my blog 'cause of the picture:D

Today interact was so boring.
Sometimes I wished I join Leo.
But...I still prefer Interact uniform:3
Sometimes Interact is retarded but sometimes it's not bad:)
I try not to be sad and just try to enjoy:)
I might not be an active member..
Since,the activities every week is scary sometimes.

If only hugs weren't banned in school:(
Then I would hug all of you:D
'cause I'm in need of one...-_-

I'm so worried for next year):

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