Saturday, July 5, 2008 guys are making me melt

You guys are soo sweet ! Making me wanna cry ad ! too touched <3
Ahahahahaha.. This post shall touched everyone's heart ! LOL..nah lah ! just jk
Who is she? Is she The one with a big mouth? NOOOO ! of courseee not ! ahahahaha
She's the one who keeps me going each and every day.. without her in my life.. It would be a total disaster man ! I love her till the very end.. You shall be in my heart forever ! My Honey Chicken No.1 you will always be my best fren and also my hyper babe and also my sunshine ! <3>
What about her then? Who is she? Is she the one who always camwhore like mad?
Nopeee.. She is not the one who always camwhore like mad.. She's the one whom I love a lot too ! I just can;t stop making a fool out of her..and I can't stop kissing her hand ! LOL.. Ahahahaha ! And You should see how we hug ! ahahaha XD .. Ai Yu Bing No. 1.. WoAiNii a lot <3>
Awww... do not look at me like that ! ahahahaha
She's My AiYuBing-ney ! She's my cetak rompak partner ! Pheifern ar Pheifern. u're so cute ! ILY darling <3>

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