Monday, July 7, 2008

Damned !

Damned it man ! I love you guys a lot <3>

PheiFern- My very own AiYuBing-ney ! ILY phei fern.. Now I love you more than everything ! Ahahahaha XD.. never knew we could be that close.. LOVE YOU BABE (: You're MY DARLING !

JoYee- My very own ORIGINAL AIYUBING ! Kissing ur hand is the only thing I love to do.. Oh wait ! It's not.. Hugging you is the only thing i love to do most ! AHAHAHAHA.. I love bullying you ! weee ~ WoAiNi aiyubing ! You rock my life !

Rachel- My honey chicken partner .. hmm.. Yea.. First day of school, I was also very scared to look at you because you always give me the LOOK ! The scary one some more ! But now, we're so close to each other.. ! & You're always my sunshine ! ILY babe (:

WoAiNi ! ahahahaha

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